HSA / FSA Accepted
By booking any service with Opulor Body & Spa you understand and agree to the below information :
You understand that you're opting for an elective treatment(s) that is not urgent and may not be necessary.
You also understand that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. You further understand that COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread by person-to-person contact; and, as a result, federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing. You recognize that all the staff at Opulor Body & Spa are closely monitoring this situation and have put in place reasonable preventative measures aimed to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, given the nature of the virus, you understand there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 by virtue of proceeding with this elective treatment(s). You hereby acknowledge and assume the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 through the elective treatment(s), and give your express permission for all the staff at Opulor Body & Spa to proceed with the same.
You understand that, even if you have been tested for COVID and received a negative test result, the tests in some cases may fail to detect the virus or you may have contracted COVID after the test. You understand that, if you have a COVID-19 infection, and even if you do not have any symptoms for the same, proceeding with this elective treatment can lead to a higher chance of complication and death.
You understand that possible exposure to COVID-19 before/during/after my treatment(s) may result in the following: a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, extended quarantine/self-isolation, additional tests, hospitalization that may require medical therapy, Intensive Care treatment, the possible need for intubation/ventilator support, short-term or long-term intubation, other potential complications, and the risk of death. In addition, after my elective treatment(s), you may need additional care that may require me to go to an emergency room or a hospital.
You understand that COVID-19 may cause additional risks, some or many of which may not currently be known at this time, in addition to the risks described herein, as well as those risks for the treatment(s).
You understand all the potential risks, including but not limited to the potential short-term and long-term complications related to COVID-19, and you would like to proceed with my desired treatment(s).
Everyone must wear a mask. If you don’t have one, we may have them available for $1 - based on availability.
Please wash your hands upon arrival.
Please arrive a few minutes before your appointment but no earlier than 5 min before.
No guests or children will be allowed.
A limited number of clients will be allowed to wait in the lobby to maintain social distancing.
Please limit the number of belongings you bring.
If you have been ill or around someone who has been ill, please wait 14 days to reschedule your appointment.
We are continuing our disinfecting and sanitizing measures. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you soon.